Theater Arts Camps in Greater Rochester, NY
Do we call it musical theatre or musical theater? Acting or drama or theater arts or performance arts?
It doesn't matter what we call it: Summer is a great time to learn acting, singing, and dancing! With greater Rochester's emphasis on performance and music, there are lots of summer camps to choose from. Some are one week, some are more. The following are camps that have elected to be featured on this page, and below it are additional camps of which we at are aware. Know of more? Let us know!
A Magical Journey Thru Stages
Join Stages for fun, high-quality theater camps this summer!A Magical Journey Thru Stages is a non-profit organization that creates fun, high-quality youth theater year-round. Young entertainers can grow and expand their talents while rehearsing and performing in a musical day camp. Summer 2025 full day camps at Stages for students entering Grades 1 - 12+ include: Alice by Heart; Beetlejuice, JR; Something Rotten, JR; Lion King, JR; and Lion King, KIDS. Come see a show as an audience member if you aren’t able to join our camps. There is something for everyone through Stages this summer!
Please see for more details.
Summer Season of Musicals at Spotlight
Spend the summer at Spotlight singing, acting and dancing in these amazing musicals. K-4th graders can participate in “Jungle Book Kids”. 4-8th grade productions include the recently released “Beetlejuice Jr” and “Legally Blonde Jr”. A new program featuring K-8th graders is performing “Matilda Jr”. 8-12th graders are performing “Something Rotten”. The all-ages K-12th grade productions are “Disney’s Moana Jr” and “Peter Pan Jr”. Auditions for each production take place the first days of camp after learning audition material. These camps are open to all skill levels. Newcomers will discover the thrill of musical theatre while experienced performers will be challenged to find new skills!
ROC Summer Theatre Experience
From OFC Creations Theatre CenterOFC presents the largest theatre summer camp program in upstate New York: ROC Summer Theatre Experience! Over eight weeks, campers will perform over 22 full musical productions at the OFC Creations Theatre Center (Brighton) and at the Kodak Center (Greece/Rochester). Camps are announced each year in December and fill extremely quickly!
"Today's theatre professionals teaching the next generation of theatre professionals."
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