More Sun, More Fun - June 30, 2022 | What’s happening in San Diego

More Sun, More Fun

June 30, 2022

Debra Ross

Dear KidsOutAndAbout readers:

June 30 means that we can hear the bird chorus in vibrant voice outside my window at 5:30 am.

June 30 means that the berries we get from our CSA (community-supported agriculture) share are so sweet we can almost taste them just by smelling them.

June 30 means that when someone says to go jump in the lake, they actually mean it—and you actually want to.

June 30 means that it's light outside for many hours after work--more time to grill impromptu hot dogs with your neighbors, play watergun tag in the backyard, or stay at the amusement park till way past bedtime.Debra Ross, publisher

June 30 means engaging ALL of the senses. Like when you suddenly sense that the Fourth of July must be around the corner, conclude that HOLY COW IT'S MONDAY, and then breathe a sigh of relief as you realize has you covered with a list of all of the area's regional parades, fireworks, and celebrations. You can still be the mom (or dad, or grandparent, or neighbor) who knows everything.

Celebrate well, friends!
